Something like The Waltons, set in another era, has a timeless quality.
Shows set in contemporary times become really dated after a couple decades; especially if they are trying to be hip or futuristic.
all throughout my life tuesdays were my meeting nights.
well tuesdays and thursdays to be more precise, when we had book study but book study was at my house so it wasn't terrible.
anyways as a kid i hated coming home from school, doing homework and then going to the meetings.
Something like The Waltons, set in another era, has a timeless quality.
Shows set in contemporary times become really dated after a couple decades; especially if they are trying to be hip or futuristic.
all throughout my life tuesdays were my meeting nights.
well tuesdays and thursdays to be more precise, when we had book study but book study was at my house so it wasn't terrible.
anyways as a kid i hated coming home from school, doing homework and then going to the meetings.
Ah, the pre-VCR meeting nights. I never saw any of these shows as a kid because they were always on Tues or Thurs nights
The Waltons
Happy Days
Mork and Mindy
Magnum PI
Man From Atlantis
Simon and Simon
is it worth queing two weeks for a phone?
i mean why que two weeks for something we already have a phone?.
No, there is no legitimate reason for anyone to stand in line for days/weeks to buy a phone. After the line is served, you can walk into the store and get one. It is complete and utter stupidity.
I believe a number of those people that are first in line are paid by Apple marketing to hype up the latest phone release.
i kind of wanted to know if some have made this transition from escaping the satellite/cable monopoly to the large antenaes that require no monthly bills.
does it work?
is there a good quality such as hi def?
Quarterback not only is there high def; its the best quality HD picture available compared to cable/satellite.
Yes, there are broadcast DVRs on the market. Tivo, Simple.TV, or use any Windows 7 or later PC with TV tuner. will guide you to what channels you should be getting as well as direction to aim antenna and what kind you need for your exact location.
my son sees his grandparents who are active jw's and has told me that they now have bugout bags by the door by direction of the society.
my question is, if s*&t hits the fan where are they bugging too?
everybody meeting at the hall?
From what information I can remember about this direction 2-3 years ago is they are just repeating the reasonable recommendations of the government...72 hour kit ("bug out bag") should have a pre-determined location to escape to, if not more than one.
What got ridiculous was when the elders started asking for us to fill out spreadsheets on all persons living in the household (whether they were witnesses or not,) their congregational status, if they had DPA filled out, who held their power of attorney and I don't remember what else.
the latest wtaf dub convention video...enjoy.
and even scoreboards evidently
the latest wtaf dub convention video...enjoy.
the latest wtaf dub convention video...enjoy.
What is with the 'red carpet arrival' of the delegates??
Also, the convention is a religious football game now? With fans that make their own logo paraphernalia and hold up written signs/banners? With post-convention interviews?
the latest wtaf dub convention video...enjoy.
The latest WTAF dub convention video...enjoy
a question for those that still attend meetings.... how many use tablets or ipads in your hall?.
i did roving microphones this week, and i counted 43 people (variety of ages) out of an audience of 98!.
just curious....
Wasn't all that long ago I remember elders saying the society would never have a website.